Manga magazines in Japan usually consists of several comic titles each with about 30-40 pages to fill the magazine (one chapter / section). Magazines are usually have their own thick ranged between 200 to 850 pages. A successful manga titles to be published until many years as "ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/ Kimyō and Jojo no Boken / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure / Secret Mission." Generally, titles that success can be appointed to be in the form of animation (or now better known by the term ANIME) for example is like Naruto, Bleach and One Piece.
Some of the original manga stories can be appointed based on the novel / visual novel, for example, is "different" (not outstanding in the U.S.) based on the novel "甲贺忍法帖, Koga Ninpōchō" by Futaro Yamada, who recounts the race between Tsubagakure Iga ninja clan and clan ninja Manjidani Koga. There is also a lift in terms of history, such as the history of the Three Kingdom (The Three Kingdom), such as Legend of Dragon (Ryuuroden) and the history-the history of Japan, sometimes there is a name that absolutely no, there is also the use of fraudulent
Figures GoKu (Dragon Ball) in the form of the human / Live Action (2009) future
After some time, stories from the magazine will be collected and printed in the form of regular-sized book, called Tankōbon (or sometimes known as volume terms). Comics in the form of this usually printed on high quality paper and useful for people who are not lazy or buy manga magazines are published weekly, which has a diverse mix of story / title. From this manga form Tankōbon usually translated into other languages in other countries such as Indonesia.
For some titles (of success) even has / will be made version of human (live action, or sometimes abbreviated as LA in the film), several titles have been appointed as the Live Action is Death Note, Case Closed, GeGeGe no Kintaro, Cutie Honie, Casshern , DevilMan, Saigake! Otokojuku and others .
Further, some titles will also be made in a remake again by the international producers in countries outside Japan, such as the United States, which make live action movie version of Dragon Ball Hollywood (20'th Century Fox) [3], and reportedly also will be made live action version of the Death Note by the producers of the west.
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